Check out your nearest drop-off site:
For more information about residential composting:
Check out the data from 2021:
Moving Towards Zero Waste: A Residential Compost Assessment Report

Check out some photos of Community Compost Collection Sites!
Get in touch with us if you want to join! It's an easy, affordable way to compost!
Fox Point Community Garden:

Sessions St. Park Garden:
Mt. Pleasant Library:

Ring St. Garden:


Zero Waste Providence's Compost Committee aims to make composting accessible to all Providence residents. We are advocates of local composting in cities, and believe in keeping the rich resource of compost accessible to the neighborhoods where the food scraps are created. Members of our group are currently working on several neighborhood pilot projects.
We are happy to offer advice and resources to new composters and those entering the application process for small and medium scale compost facilities in Rhode Island.
Due to COVID-19 our regular meetings have moved online. Feel free to join us! Check out our calendar for our next meeting time!
We welcome newcomers, whether you are an industry composter or a resident interested in helping to get Providence composting!

Zero Waste Providence is working with 15 Minute Field Trips to help schools reduce their (food) waste! From worm bins in the classroom at Lincoln School to three-bin systems at Brown Fox Point Preschool, to connecting schools with haulers, ZWP and 15MFT help find the best solution! Some materials funds available. Start with an audit and get your own school involved here: